
Speaking Engagements

Thursday, March 10th 2015

Battelle for Kids SOAR Conference
Ohio State Univeristy, Ohio Union
Columbus, OH

Presenting "How to Diversify Your School's Course Offerings At Any Level"
10:40 AM - 11:30 AM
Cartoon Room 1, 3rd Floor

This session will focus on steps you need to take to add additional courses and programs to your school.  How to do it the right way and successfully.

Presenting "Best Instructional Practices for Student Growth"
9:40 AM - 10:30 AM
Cartoon Room 1, 3rd Floor

This session will focus on identifying the best instructional practices and how to incorporate them in your school and classroom.

Friday, July 17th, 2015
High Schools That Work Conference
Atlanta, GA

Presenting "Building a Digital Academy to Transform Building Culture"
2:15pm - 3:15pm
Building/Room: Hyatt - Piedmont

Students and parents expect to find and experience multiple modes of learning in middle grades and high school classrooms. Learn how a digital academy with embedded support programs can change the culture of a school and how to use different tools to assist at-risk students build the confidence needed to succeed in school. 

Presenting "Utilizing Social Networking to Become a Better Educator"
10:30am - 11:30am
Building/Room: Hilton - Salon A (Table 9)

Educators have a variety of ways to grow professionally using
social networking. Attendees will learn the best tools to use to
grow professionally and how to build a personal learning network. Attendees will also learn how to share resources with other educators in the broader education field and how to grow their social media effectiveness to help students. 

Presenting "Designing a Student and Parent-Friendly Flipped Classroom"
8:00am - 9:00am
Building/Room: Hilton - Room 310

Parents and students can expect to encounter a wide variety of learning methods in students’ classes. Many times, this involves the use of technology as a key tool for effective instruction. This session will focus on flipped learning and the steps necessary to create an efficient and effective flipped learning environment. 

Thursday, July 16th, 2015
High Schools That Work Conference
Atlanta, GA

Presenting "Building a Digital Academy to Transform Building Culture"
2:15pm - 3:15pm
Building/Room: Hilton - Salon A (Table 3)

Learn how a digital academy with embedded support programs can change the culture of a school and build the confidence at-risk students need to succeed. 

Presenting "Utilizing Social Networking to Become a Better Educator"
8:00am - 9:00am
Building/Room: Hilton - Room 310

Educators have a variety of ways to grow professionally using
social networking. Attendees will learn the best tools to use to
grow professionally and how to build a personal learning network. Attendees will also learn how to share resources with other educators in the broader education field and how to grow their social media effectiveness to help students. 

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015
ISTE 2015
Philadelphia Convention Center
Philadelphia, PA

Presenting "Twitter Chats: Professional Development for All"

1:15pm - 2:15pm
Building/Room: PCC Terrace Ballroom I/II

Twitter provides a vast amount of professional development for educators. Using Twitter chats increases the amount of networking and communication between educators. Attendees will learn how to utilize Twitter chats to their advantage and grow their Personal Learning Network to help them grow professionally.

In this session, attendees will learn why it is important to participate in Twitter chats. They will also learn how to participate in a Twitter chats and how their professional learning can extend outside of a Twitter chat to help build their PLN and grow as an educator. Different chat resources and tools will be discussed along with specific chats. Attendees will also learn how to start their own chat.

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015
ISTE 2015
Philadelphia Convention Center
Philadelphia, PA

Presenting "1:1/BYOD Initiative with a Formative Focus"

5:15pm - 6:30pm 
Building/Room: PCC 124, Table 3

The session will focus on starting a 1:1/BYOD initiative in a school and how to utilize the tools to create a technology based culture focused on formative assessments and methods. The discussion will evolve into a sharing of formative tools and resources for teachers and schools.

Attendees will learn how to successfully implement a 1:1/BYOD initiative including, but not limited to: how to finance a 1:1 program, steps to communicate with the community and students, professional development for the tools and resources, student and staff expectations, user agreement policies, and apps/resources. The discussion will also include how to use technology to create formative assessments and formative teaching methods that work in a 1:1 or BYOD.

Monday, June 29th, 2015
ISTE 2015
Philadelphia Convention Center
Philadelphia, PA

Presenting "Flipping Your Staff Meetings" (Ignite Session)

Building/Room:  PCC Terrace Ballroom I/II

The traditional staff meeting is a thing of the past. Administrators will learn reasons why flipping their staff meetings is the most productive way to provide professional development, save time, and deliver relevant information to their staff.

Attendees will gain valuable insight on how to create flipped staff meetings, tools to offer professional development during their flipped meetings, and how to share resources so teachers have more tools to use in their classes.

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015
Connect For Success Conference
Ohio State University - Ohio Union

Presenting "Blending Technology with the Common Core"
11:15am - 12:00pm

Great Hall Meeting Room 2, 1st Floor
Strand: Teaching and Learning by Design

This session will focus on apps, websites, and methods to use for student growth focusing on the Common Core. Attendees will leave with a variety of technology tools to use to teach the Common Core more effectively.

Monday, June 15th, 2015
Connect For Success Conference
Ohio State University - Ohio Union

Presenting "The Best Teachers & Leaders Communicate"
10:15am– 11:15am
Suzanne M. Scharer Room, Third Floor
Strand: Communicating by Design
Communication to all stakeholders in a school community is a vital part of the foundation of education.  In this session, teachers and leaders will learn how to use different communication methods including, technology, correspondence and face-to-face techniques, to help transform their classrooms and schools.

Presenting "Blending Technology with the Common Core"
11:30am - 12:15pm
Interfaith Prayer Room
Strand: Teaching and Learning by Design
This session will focus on apps, websites, and methods to use for student growth focusing on the Common Core. Attendees will leave with a variety of technology tools to use to teach the Common Core more effectively.

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015
SOAR Leading & Learning Collaborative
Ohio State University, Ohio Union

Presenting "Building Your Own Professional Development Using Technology"
Ohio Staters Traditions Room, 2nd Floor
12:30-1:40 pm

Professional development isn't what it used to be.  These days, you can greatly increase your knowledge and learn practical skills to implement by utilizing technology.  This session will focus on using different forms of technology, including social media, in order to garner professional development as an educator anytime you choose.  We will focus on creating a PLN (Personal Learning Network) and using different tools like Twitter and Zite to build your knowledge and confidence as an educator.

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014
OSBA Capital Conference
Greater Columbus Convention Center

Presenting "It's about learning - not shiny tech tools"
C 226
2:00-3:15 pm

Districts are investing a lot of money in new technologies, but learning is about more than just tools.  We will discuss student agency and empowerment, global connection and collaboration, and cognitely complex thinking tasks.

Monday, November 10th, 2014
OSBA Capital Conference
Greater Columbus Convention Center

Presenting "Modernizing education for student success"
C 112-113
9:00-10:15 am

Discuss ways to focus education on its true stakeholders: students.  Hear how to modernize education for the benefits of students and communities.

Monday, June 16th, 2014
Battelle For Kids
Connect for Success Conference

Presenting "Communicate Using Media"
Champaign Room
3:00 pm

Explore the many different avenues to communicate your district, building, and classroom messages to your parents and community.  Looks at the pros and cons of different types of media for communicating.  Leave with proven strategies to increase the means of communication in your district and the ability to implement strategies for the upcoming school year.

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014
iPad Symposium
University of Akron
Akron, OH

Presenting "Let Organization Lead you to Success"

10:45-11:35 am
Room 310

This session will focus on using apps to organize educators and lead them to success.  Apps, sites, and social media will be the focus as the presenter will explain how the "4 C's to Lead" will ensure organization & access for all educators to be successful.

Attendees will gain experience with apps utilized to organize and assess students, staff, and different methods of leadership to gain the most out of their classes and buildings.

Presenting "Don't be Common with the Common Core"

1:30-2:20 pm
Room 310

This session will focus on new apps that assist with the instruction of the CCSS and develop a confidence to utilize creative methods & styles to help students in class.  The session will focus on how learning and the CCSS guide the tools and/or resources used in the classroom.

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
Ohio Educational Technology Conference
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Columbus, OH

Presenting "Connecting Educators in Appalachia Ohio"

12:15-1:15 pm
Room: D235

Teachers and Administrators need to be able to communicate with students, parents, and community members in a variety of ways. The focus of the session will be communicating your classroom message to the students, parents, & community. Participants will learn how to use technology, professional development, social media and other outlets to communicate with others and to grow as teachers and administrators. We will focus on how to use Twitter, Texting, Facebook, Pinterest, blogging, videos, school web sites, and other technology to keep students, parents, community members, and PLN members informed as to what is going on in our buildings and districts. Participants will learn how to use social media and other technology to communicate their message and keep everyone informed. Participants will be able to use screencasts during the session to immediately apply the topics discussed to their classrooms.

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
Ohio ACT State Organization Conference
The Renaissance Hotel
Columbus, OH

Presenting "The Paw-sitive Path - Student Path to Life Readiness"

9:00-10:00 am
Room: Hayes D

Discuss the different practices we use to get students to transition from 8th grade to high school and high school to college.  We will discuss our Advisory periods for college & career knowledge, college visits for each grade level, and local businesses visit Advisory periods to discuss careers.   We also discuss our alternative school and after-school program that assists our students in making successful transitions for careers.

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
Ohio Educational Technology Conference
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Columbus, OH

FRED Talks - Finding Real EDucation
"The 4 C's To Lead"
12:30-1:30 pm
Room 224

Join us for a refreshing twist on the traditional conference session. OETCx participants will offer a series of “lightning presentations." Each presenter will have 5 minutes to share an idea, broken down into 20 slides, which automatically advance every 15 seconds.


"BYOD & 1:1 Best Computing Practices"
3:30-4:30 pm
Room 226

Some of the best and brightest edtech innovators from Ohio will be giving advice on implementation strategies for 1:1 and BYOD based on first-hand experiences in their districts. They’ll discuss some challenges they faced and go over performance metrics they were able to improve. Discuss the merits and virtues of BYOD and 1:1 with experts who are implementing and supporting these programs.

Monday, November 25th, 2013
New Lexington Technology Conference
New Lexington High School
New Lexington, OH

Presenting "Twitter"

This session will cover the basics of Twitter: how to create an account, how to "tweet", how to follow other users and how to use hashtags (#) to participate in conversations.  Participants will learn how to use Twitter as professional development and also how to communicate your message to students and parents outside of the classroom.

Presenting "Using Video to Communicate Your Message"

This session will demonstrate how to use videos effectively in the classroom and also how to use video to communicate your message to students, parents, and the community.  Applications such as YouTube, Tout, and Videolicious will be used.

Thursday, October 31st, 2013
Rural Education National Forum
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Columbus, Ohio

Presenting "OAC Personalized Learning Network: Connecting Educators" - 

This session will share the story of the OAC Personalized Learning Network, a network of Appalachian educators sharing best practices, lesson plans, tips, and tools of the trade through online digital platforms. Personalized learning is all about what works for you, no matter how you choose to engage digitally. Hear from two practitioners in the region. One will focus on methods that schools and/or districts can use to communicate with stakeholders using social media. The second will explain how educators utilize social media in their classrooms. The session will illustrate the importance of collaboration between educators within schools and districts and give attendees ideas.  

Friday, October 18th, 2013
Ohio School Improvement Institute
Hilton at Easton
Columbus, Ohio

Presenting "Ready, Set, iPads! Launching a 1:1 school in Appalachia Ohio" - learn how New Lexington High School implemented a 1:1 school with iPads.  Superintendent Tonya Sherburne and Technology Director Tim Householder will also take part in the presentation to discuss financing, network management, and roll-out.

Presenting "Youth Opportunities Unlimited: Creating a Culture of Success" - discussion focusing on the Project Y.O.U. program at New Lexington Middle Schools & New Lexington High School.  The programs were created to: increase standardized testing scores, increase high school attendance & graduation rates, provide assistance to students for homework, increase family participation in school matters, create an alternative school for high school students, and create a summer camp based on college & career readiness standards.

Thursday, October 10th, 2013
Lancaster H.S.
Lancaster, Ohio

Presenting "Can You Hear Me Now?" - discussion regarding how to use social media to communicate your message to your community and the state.

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013
Ohio Innovative Learning Environment Conference
Hilliard Bradley H.S.
Hilliard, OH

Presenting "Can You Hear Me Now?"

The focus of the session will be communicating your school's message to the community and others in the education field. Participants will learn how to use social media and other outlets to communicate with others and to grow as teachers and administrators. We will focus on how to use Twitter, Texting, Facebook, school web sites, and other technology to keep students, parents, community members, and PLN members informed as to what is going on in our buildings and districts. Participants will learn how to use social media and other technology to communicate their message and keep everyone informed.

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